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Department of Finance Prof. Dr. Alexander F. Wagner

Prof. Dr. Alexander F. Wagner

Discovery, Teaching, and Doing are a dream team. And they never get boring.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 391 KB)
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Alexander Wagner balances two passions: the thrill of seeking knowledge about fundamentals of human behavior for knowledge's sake, and the desire to apply insights in the real world and to improve the workings of markets and organizations. As a professor at the Department of Finance of the University of Zurich (UZH) and as a senior chair of the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI), Wagner has taught corporate finance to thousands of eager students and hundreds of motivated executives, and he has helped shape governance systems of companies large and small. He is the Chairman of the Executive Education of the UZH Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics, and he is Co-Head of the UZH Center for Crisis Competence. He has served as chairman of a proxy advisor and as an independent counsel for PwC. His research focuses on corporate finance, sustainable finance, and behavioral economics. He obtained his PhD in Political Economy from Harvard University.In his hometown Linz, Austria, he completed studies in economics and law.


Portrait Prof. Alexander Wagner – How can companies remain resilient against crises?

Portrait Prof. Alexander Wagner – How can companies remain resilient against crises?

"Explain it to a comedian", Prof. Alexander Wagner on finance and biodiversity

"Explain it to a comedian", Prof. Alexander Wagner on finance and biodiversity

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